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Performance Economy: Benefitting people, profits and planet(17) Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and fleet managers are key innovators of the Performance Economy. This course explores many successful and failed examples of the roles of industrial, financial, and political actors in different sectors. The examples shared throughout this chapter show how synergies between policymakers, public procurement authorities and businesses allow “maintaining and profitably exploiting manufactured assets over long periods of time to achieve inclusive prosperity,”––a quote from the report on delivering the SDGs. Others show that innovative SMEs can be highly competitive and profitable. The Performance Economy is about: · People: selling performance, such as objects as a service, is a skill and labour-intensive service activity, which has to be performed locally (e.g. airlines selling safe transport from A to B). · Planet: maintaining the function or performance of assets over extended periods considerably reduces resource consumption, prevents GHG emissions (reduction of national CO2 emissions by 66%) and minimizes waste · Economics: Producing performance, selling performance, and maintaining the function or performance of assets over extended periods is profitable and provides corporate resilience against black swan events and resource security at low cost. · Innovation: The business models of the Performance Economy enable the exploitation of sufficiency and systems solutions, besides the traditional efficiency ones, and will profit from future advances in circular sciences. Multi-skill education, training, and novel long-life components will further increase the Performance Economy’s feasibility and profitability. · Competitiveness: Maintaining ownership of the materials embodied in physical assets over the longest time possible requires a combination of technical and commercial innovation. This saves supply chain compliance and transaction costs and will profit from governmental carbon credits and water preservation bonuses. Global Equity and Climate Justice. The Circular Industrial Economy plays a major role in today’s strategy to achieve global zero carbon emissions. Only reducing carbon emissions ‘below zero’ in the North will enable developing nations to build the infrastructure of health, education and mobility necessary to sustainably increase the quality of life of their population. 95.00 24/11/2021 15/04/2024 0
Circular By Design: Innovation, strategy and resource flows(1) What are the primary strategies for circular design? How can the designer determine which design strategies are appropriate for the product they need to create? How can design strategies be managed and integrated to achieve a consistent approach? This course strives to answer these questions to enhance the knowledge of those involved in product decision–making. This course is divided into four sections: 1. Introduction –– Explore the distinction between technological and biological resource cycles. 2. Circular Design Strategies –– Key strategies to preserve or restore product value. 3. Customers in the Circular Product Design–– Key design solutions that may generate sustainable and circular user behaviours. 4. Key takeaways 95.00 12/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Circular Business Models: Doing more, with less, for longer(2) Circular business models (CBMs) can help slow, narrow, and even close resource loops as we transition from value chain thinking to a value cycle mindset. When set up properly, CBMs: -Help to lower costs -Reduce emissions -Reduce resource consumption -Increase value -Build deeper relationships between providers and users -Create new value-accreting partnerships with suppliers and stakeholders CBMs take us from the realm of “feel-good solutions”––where profitability is sacrificed in the name of sustainability––to business model optimization, where profit, purpose, people and planet co-exist harmoniously. Besides superior performance, CBMs help: -Create new jobs -Promote innovation in industry and services -Embed clean energy further into the economy -Dematerialize many parts of the economy -Make cities and communities more sustainable -Promote responsible consumption and production Overall, this course offers a look into three types of circular business models, highlighting their features, benefits and the impact they have on the circular economy, our lives, and our future. 95.00 13/01/2023 25/04/2024 0
Circular and Digital Economies: The dual transition(3) With the increasing urgency of tackling the threatening repercussions of the Linear Economy, the Digital Economy provides empowering ecosystems, infrastructures, and tools to drive SDGs and ESG achievements, Circular Economy transition, and social, environmental, and economic prosperity. The confluence of the Digital and Circular transitions gives rise to forcefully enabling and disrupting waves across sectors, markets, and geographies. Leveraging the Dual Transition is not only a competitive edge but also a strategic hedge against the upcoming disrupting forces and a tactical response to the increasing concerns about the resilience and sustainability of our social, natural, and industrial ecosystems. This course explores the rapidly evolving dynamics of markets and industries and how the enabling and disrupting forces of The Dual Transition can fuel innovation capacity and resilient strategies for entrepreneurs, companies, investors, policymakers, decision-makers, and executives in the public and private sectors. This course offers the following: • An overview of the repercussions of the Linear Economic Model. •The Digitally Enhanced Circular Economy Alternative for designing and implementing innovative solutions in response to the aftermath of our unsustainable practices. • Digital Transformation, Mass Integration of Industry 4.0 Technologies, and the Forthcoming Digital Economy as prominent enablers of the Circular transition. • Digitally Enhanced SDGs and Sustainable Competitiveness toward Circular Economy, • Policy Initiatives and Strategies driving the Dual Transition. 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Circular Energy: The EU's pathway to a circular and carbon neutral future(4) The world faces looming challenges that threaten our security, stability and prosperity. From conflict and pandemics to environmental risks and natural disasters, most countries and large organisations actively engage in a process to enhance their resilience and security. Strategies, policies, legislation, and action plans are the key drivers to meet these objectives. This course presents the EU toolbox––a comprehensive strategy designed to help Member States navigate the journey to carbon neutrality with ease. It also emphasises the importance of incorporating the core principles of the Circular Economy from the outset in the development and implementation of any action to ensure long-term competitiveness and efficiency. This transition will enable the EU to diversify its energy dependencies, decarbonise the economy, advance research and innovative solutions, and provide energy security to its member states and partners. 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Circular Industry 4.0: Redesigning the future(5) The different sections in the course introduce the reader to more relevant approaches and technologies for narrowing, slowing, and closing resource cycles. The course provides case examples where applicable to help readers better grasp the available alternatives. The approach is based on the product life cycle, from primary or secondary material extraction through resource recovery to start a new product life cycle. This course is divided into eight sections: 1. Understanding Industry 4.0 –– addressing the economic, social, and environmental elements 2. Urban mining––the future of the mining industry 3. Intelligent systems: Smart Circular Design –– how technology is changing product and system design 4. Smart factory –– technology and product manufacturing to decrease resource use 5. Use and Service in the digital era –– essential digital technologies to slow down resource cycles 6. Recapture value from users –– technology to increase customer value 7. Recovery strategies and technologies opportunities –– technology for product reconditioning 8. Key takeaways This course highlights three SDGs and their role in redesigning the future: Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy Goal 9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Circular Life of Buildings: Designing out obsolescence(6) As global economies shift to more sustainable ways of living, there is a growing demand for the building industry to adapt on a technical, financial, economic, and industrial level. This course provides a complete overview of building for the circular economy by highlighting the detriment of current building practices, the challenges involved with circular building projects and strategies to implement moving forward. Moving to a circular built environment requires a transition in skill and perspective from various stakeholders, including building owners, labour and workers or asset managers. This course aims to share strategies through a collaborative mindset designed to engage the participant, inspire change and provide practical solutions for the future. 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Circular Procurement: Innovative solutions in practice(7) This course offers step-by-step guidance on the various stages of the circular procurement process and illustrates creative tweaks that support the integration of Circular Economy best practices. Gain insight into the essential focal points and provides practical recommendations for closing the loop and achieving a more efficient, effective, and circular solution. Explore the tangible impact of endorsing circular procurement through best practices and different mechanisms that both practitioners of the public and private sectors can adopt. Moreover, this course offers a curated selection of case studies to help readers better conceptualize and efficiently assess what steps to take to achieve effective results. With the information provided in this chapter, practitioners will encounter and attain exceptional education on the best practices and success stories of implementing the circular procurement process in different fields. 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Circular Supply Chains: Leveraging the power of strategic procurement(8) This course outlines the key differences between traditional and circular procurement processes and explains these two frameworks relating to standards, principles, and best practices. The course highlights collaboration and partnership at multiple levels to bring massive change to the traditional linear system and open the doors for innovative business models. In addition, it gives a clear understanding of the impact of circular procurement on a small and large scale. The small-scale impacts that this course reveals include: -The importance of the impact of procurement on the overall supply chain to enable professionals -The connection between Circular Economy principles and circular supply chains, besides its key components and the vital role it plays in circularity -The acceleration points that advance the application of circular supply chains The large-scale impacts that this course reveals include: -The outcomes involved in the public sector leveraging its purchasing power can bring positive outcomes and advance the application of circular procurement. -How Corporations and SMEs deal with the requirements of moving from linear to circular procurement -The barriers that organizations and industries worldwide face -Limitations to circular procurement practices This course expresses the urgency to take action now, embody a leadership attitude, and implement circular economy principles in scopes of work. 95.00 13/01/2023 15/02/2024 0
Circular Together: How ecosystems will drive the transition(9) This course explores the advantages of collaboration between people and sectors, the fusion of domains, and the different competencies to design alternative business models encapsulating the Circular Economy. This course also shares the journey of this shift––from systemic changes to adopting a new values-aligned mindset. This course covers the following topics: 1. An overview of the current linear approach 2. Justifications for the shift from a linear to a systemic, circular and economic model 3. Tools for transitioning 4. The concept of an ecosystem in economics 5. Existing possibilities in applying the approach (mapping methods) 6. How the relationships between the different actors can help develop circular innovation 7. Examples that simulate real-life situations that practitioners face The concepts explored in this course align with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here are a few specific SDGs relevant to this course: Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Circular Water Management 2: Closing the H20 loop(10) Climate change dramatically impacts urban areas, exposing cities on floodplains to extreme cloudbursts, and rising sea levels also threaten coastal cities.  The course attempts to provide knowledge for proper water management in urban areas by applying the circular economy principles related to the regeneration of natural resources using a holistic approach based on Integrated Water Management for urban areas to create a collaborative ecosystem. The course also provides information about various alternative water sources for supply in urban areas. Different examples show the possibility of implementing various strategies to prolong water use, such as reusing wastewater and rainwater to conserve water in basins and receiving bodies and the growth of desalination process applications to secure water supply while preserving the environment.  This approach explores the role of digital technologies and circular business models and strategies as enablers of the circular economy in the water sector. Implementing digital technologies for water and wastewater treatment is becoming necessary to face the increasing risks related to demand growth, water scarcity, quality, security, and cost-effective water-related services. There are many opportunities to create value from water streams, and implementing circular business models creates an ecosystem where water becomes a source of nutrients, minerals, and metals. Applying appropriate circular design strategies can allow the development of circular business models to create value from water to slow, close, narrow, and regenerate resources present in water streams. 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Circular Water Management: A framework for the transition(11) This course examines the natural water cycle, demonstrating how human activities create a linear approach in the water industry by treating water as a single-use entity. The principles explored in this course relate to those proposed by the Ellen McArthur Foundation adapted to the water sector: • Design water utilities out of waste and reduce pollution. • Keep products and materials from water and wastewater in use. • Regenerate natural systems adapted to the water sector. These principles intersect with the water sector at three levels–micro, meso, and macro to engage and create specific focus topics divided into technologies & processes, implementation, and water management. This course offers a Circular Economy water framework that aims to set up the shift from a linear to a circular approach, allowing us to define better strategies for a successful change to the Circular Economy. The course also outlines the vast possibilities for the water industry’s future––including implementing innovative water technologies that transform water utilities into smart assets. Emerging ideas and technology make it possible to remove pollutants from water, meaning that water reuse, recycling, and resource recovery could become our new regular. 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Designing Out Waste: The challenges to full circularity(12) The course provides the learner with an overview of the problem of waste and its link with consumption and production and highlights the sectors of increasing waste pollution: · Food · Plastics and Microplastics · Packaging The course provides a practical overview of the circular economy as a critical component in waste elimination and describes: · The waste management approach for the circular economy · The 10 Rs hierarchy in the circular economy · Extended producer responsibility schemes · Alternative materials promoting the circular economy. · New technologies enabling waste management for the circular economy. Finally, the course describes the drivers of circularity in the waste sector in Europe: · Waste Framework Directive · EU Strategy for Plastics in the Circular Economy · Directive on reducing the impact of certain plastic products on the environment · Packaging Directive · Financial, social and institutional aspects (economic instruments) 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Digitally Empowered Circular Economy: Business model and industrial innovation(13) The convergence of technologies and combinatorial innovations reshape the fabric of the economy and give rise to disruptive and enabling forces across sectors. The ensuing emergence, divergence, and convergence of technologies propel innovation and provide groundbreaking solutions to tackle SDGs, promote Sustainable Competitiveness, and enable the transition to the Circular Economy. This course explores emerging opportunities in leveraging digitally empowered industries, infrastructures, solutions, and business models to drive social, economic, and environmental prosperity via xTech Industries (e.g. FinTech, RegTech, HealthTech, SpaceTech, GameTech, ClimateTech, AgriTech, etc). XaaS Business Models (e.g. Analytics, Intelligence, Insight, Product, Solution, Platform, etc. (X) as a Service). SmartX Solutions and Infrastructures (e.g. Smart Cities, Grids, Buildings, Assets, Manufacturing, Transportation and Mobility Systems, etc). Digitally Empowered Multistakeholder Ecosystems. 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Digitally Empowered Circular Economy: Industry 4.0 technological enablers(14) Industry 4.0 technological enablers empower innovative solutions and services and restructure the economic and business models and market dynamics. Such innovations drive the transition to the Digitally Empowered Circular Economy and help us achieve SDGs and Sustainable Competitiveness more efficiently. This course explores some impactful applications and implications of the following technologies in line with the above: 1. Big Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence for improved data-informed decision-making, resource efficiency, and service and product design, 2. Cyber-Physical Systems, IoT, and Intelligent Assets for enabling connectivity and feedback loops across the Physical, Digital, and Biological realms for resource efficiency, 3. Blockchain, Tokenized Economies, and Business Models as the cornerstone enabler of Trust, Transparency, and Accountability in responsible operations and governance, 4. Extended Reality, Virtualization, and Digital Twins for enhanced cross-dimensional interactions and reinforced efficiency of processes and resources. 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Driving Circularity: The role of energy policy and legislation(15) The world faces unprecedented energy, environmental, climate and sustainability challenges, including biodiversity loss, resource use, and pollution.  Beyond The Paris Agreement––the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate change agreement––there are movements, policy proposals and approved or under process pieces of legislation around the world pushing for new green deals designed to reduce emissions and foster greater sustainability.  The challenge ahead is to achieve this ambition collectively, effectively, swiftly, and affordably by applying the energy sector’s appropriate policies and regulations.  Overall, this course provides an overview and analysis of the essential policies and legislative actions that the EU mobilizes to move towards a circular, sustainable, and climate-neutral economy by 2050.  It also aims to communicate information and examples in a timely and precise manner  on implementing the circular economy from an EU climate and energy policy perspective and provide practitioners from public and private sectors with valuable and practical insights. 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Training for Circularity: Upskilling, reskilling, mobility and job creation(16) The Circular Economy (CE) offers an operational pathway to grow out of the linear economy and achieve economic growth while ensuring prosperity for the people and the planet’s well-being. At its core, the circular economy is a systemic change that needs to be implemented seamlessly–– in all processes and value cycles by all stakeholders. Continuous upskilling and reskilling are required to support resource loops’ narrowing, slowing, and closing. In this respect, we consider the need for a lifelong learning system that provides pathways for continuous upskilling and reskilling programs. This course emphasizes the importance of closing the gap between the present skills of the workforce and the future skills needed. Beyond this, it looks at organizations’ significant role in developing a skilled and innovative workforce. Learn how to develop a workforce strategy based on CE principles. The aim is to align the organizational objectives with the interests and ambitions of the employees and contribute to creating a learning culture. With this approach, organizations can attract and retain talent and maintain a skilled and motivated workforce. The concepts explored in this course align with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here are a few specific SDGs relevant to this course: -Goal 4: Quality education -Goal 8: Industry, innovation and infrastructure 95.00 13/01/2023 15/04/2024 0
Circular Economy Professional (Foundational)(CEP) This certificate allows you to, quickly and efficiently, grasp the key ideas behind the concept of Circular Economy. The Circular Economy Professional (Foundational) is a bundle which includes 4 courses that will introduce you to the fundamentals of circularity: •Terminology •Principles •Frameworks •Theories •Models •Mindsets and thinking •Tools •Policies •Best practices The courses which compose the Circular Economy Professional (Foundational) have been carefully selected, designed, and curated to give you an insider’s view into what we consider “the pillars” of the Circular Economy. You will better understand what is necessary at the personal, corporate, institutional, and societal levels to evolve from the current take-make-dispose economic model – which continues to harm the planet- to transition to a circular economic model – which favours the planet. 385.00 18/04/2024 24/04/2024 0
Circular Economy Manager (Advanced)(CEM) This certificate allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of Circular Economy and go beyond the fundamentals. This certificate includes the 4 “pillar” courses in the Circular Economy Professional (Foundational) program, as well as 4 complimentary courses that cover additional aspects of the principles, frameworks, theories, and best practices of Circular Economy. The Circular Economy Manager (Advanced) has been designed to cover deeper aspects of the Circular Economy, including: •The importance of strategic design. •The notion of value cycles. •Advanced use of Circular Economy principles. •The importance of partnering and ecosystems in the transition to a more Circular Economy. The courses which compose the Circular Economy Manager (Advanced) have been carefully curated to give you an insider’s view into what we consider the extended fundamentals of Circular Economy, as well as the complementary knowledge you need to be credible as an expert in the domain. 745.00 18/04/2024 24/04/2024 0
Circular Economy Specialist (High-Mastery)(CES) This certificate allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of Circular Economy and go beyond the fundamentals. This certificate includes the 4 “pillar” courses in the Circular Economy Professional (Foundational) program, as well as 4 complimentary courses that cover additional aspects of the principles, frameworks, theories, and best practices of Circular Economy. The Circular Economy Manager (Advanced) has been designed to cover deeper aspects of the Circular Economy, including: •The importance of strategic design. •The notion of value cycles. •Advanced use of Circular Economy principles. •The importance of partnering and ecosystems in the transition to a more Circular Economy. The courses which compose the Circular Economy Manager (Advanced) have been carefully curated to give you an insider’s view into what we consider the extended fundamentals of Circular Economy, as well as the complementary knowledge you need to be credible as an expert in the domain. 1085.00 18/04/2024 24/04/2024 0