Capacity building – Could this be the solution to the alarming reality we are facing?

January 4, 2022

Ready to accelerate the transition to a circular economy? Read this blog to learn more about the circular procurement toolbox and how it plays a key role in the transition. 

Do you lack the awareness, knowledge and expertise required for the shift to a circular economy? Do you want to learn the steps required in a circular procurement process? Are you aware of the new strategies and innovative instruments that will help create effective circular solutions?

The main purpose of this circular procurement chapter is to answer all the above and more, providing the key enablers and building blocks for a successful circular performance. The world is facing a dreadful reality, from environmental and economic challenges to biodiversity loss, pollution, and risks from resource extraction, in summary life as we know it is coming to an end. Therefore, the need for collective behavioral change is crucial.

The time for action is NOW.

Keep reading this blog to discover more about this circular procurement chapter and what you can expect to learn from it.

The value of Capacity building

Written as part of the Circular Economy Alliance’s Body of Knowledge, this circular procurement chapter reveals the importance of education and skills not only in the transition from linear to circular procurement but for the entire green and digital transformation as well.

The reality is that the unemployment rate, skills shortage, and mismatched skills tackled represent a strong gap that causes barriers, obstacles and hinders the transition to the circular economy.

In other words, if we are aiming to achieve a collective change that will bring forth substantial impact on the economy society and the planet, then capacity building is a must. Hence, by equipping the global workforce with the right education and higher skillset, we will be actually providing them with a clear pathway that will shape a sustainable future.

How circular procurement process can generate circular solutions?

The new generation of procurement will be based on circular systems. The circular procurement process disrupts the established take, make, dispose’ linear model and bring about circularity by designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use at the highest possible value, and regenerating natural systems.

The outcome?

Less raw material extraction, strong focus on the 4R’s “repair, reuse, repurpose, recycle” and waste elimination.

The circular procurement process is initiated in seven consequent steps that are essential to generate circular solutions and bring forth outstanding results and it can be summarized as follow: 

This can be summarized by something like this:

  • The initial scope of work
  • Eco-friendly tendering
  • Circular contract

Collaboration and partnership

One of the highlights of the circular procurement: innovative instruments and tweaks chapter is the significant importance of collaboration and partnership among various sectors and industries. The public and private sector, multinational corporations and SMEs all have a different role to play. However, the ultimate realization is in knowing the crucial need for joining hands, cooperating together and solid engagement to achieve an efficient and effective change.

The old linear system was based on competition, a system that failed tremendously. “Unity” is the new normal that will bring light and balance again to our planet and give us back the opportunity to live in harmony with the environment and all the elements of mother nature.

You are always one decision away from a totally different life 

Going circular might sound like it is something sophisticated, complex, and kind of challenging. However, it only requires small individual actions and the strong will for change. We truly believe that the strong drive we are seeking on a large scale from governments, policy makers and industry regulations starts with small yet meaningful steps on individual level that will give rise for systemic change.

So, what are you waiting for? Join us now and let’s make something great together.

Submitted By: Joyce Halloun


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