Workforce and Employment
Circular Economy Alliance and Coca-Cola HBC join forces to empower the youth in Circular Economy

Circular Economy Alliance and Coca-Cola HBC join forces to empower the youth in Circular Economy

Companies are quickly realizing that providing value to shareholders can only be achieved by providing value to all stakeholders. In other words, companies that are looking to remain competitive and profitable, need to integrate purpose in their business model and strategy aiming to contribute to society. One company that has seen this as fundamental to its business strategy already for many years, is Coca-Cola HBC. In this sense, the collaboration between the Circular Economy Alliance as a leading innovator in the Circular Economy domain and Coca- Cola HBC as the world’s most sustainable beverage company in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index follows naturally[1]. The two purpose-driven companies have recently signed an agreement of cooperation aiming to develop a long-standing collaboration in the domain of Circular Economy.

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Upskilling & Reskilling for a Green Revolution

Upskilling & Reskilling for a Green Revolution

For over 2 centuries, we have developed and perfected the linear model of manufacturing: Extract resources from nature — refine and manufacture goods — consume and throw away…

This is the model of consumption we have been training the workforce for, for generations. However, climate changes, increasingly frequent environmental disasters, and the global pollution crisis is forcing us to stop this destructive behaviour. We need to take action and change now — today, not tomorrow.

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Three reasons why we must urgently upskill and reskill the workforce

Three reasons why we must urgently upskill and reskill the workforce

The need for continuous upskilling and reskilling as part of a lifelong learning culture is becoming increasingly apparent. The disruptive trends driving this need, including climate change, and emerging technologies have been underway for quite some time. The difference now is that the pace of emerging technologies is accelerating and converges with as well as enables the transition to a Circular Economy (CE). The pandemic has only propelled even further the digital transformation of companies and a reconsideration of work modalities. CE is the means to achieve decoupling of economic growth from resource use, eliminate waste by design and prevent environmental collapse. It offers a viable pathway to grow out of the linear economy. The converging changes mean that individuals must navigate a steep learning curve and adapt to the need for continuous upskilling and reskilling to remain relevant and ahead of the curve in the new working landscape.

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